We have an Epson 1680 Pro Scanner and Transparency Unit. This
scanner quickly produces excellent images for use on the internet
or in print. It is a very high quality commercial scanner.
Here are some of the specs...
Optical Resolution: 1600x3200 dpi
Maximum Output Resolution: 12800x12800dpi
Scans up to 216x 297mm
48 bits per pixel in colour
16 bits per pixel in black
Dual position focus (eliminates Newton Rings effects)
Optical density: 3.6D
Slides, transparencies, negatives, flat media
Gallery were scanned using this scanner. Almost all from
slides, which are far more demanding than from photographs.
Unless you have a volume request, the price for scanning starts at
£10 per scan. For that price, your image is scanned
at 300 dpi and placed on a disk. Here are some additional
services you might be interested in:
Color Correction
Photo Manipulation
Resizing Photograph - Enlarge or Reduce
Convert to JPEG, 72 dpi (Internet)
Change to Black & White
Pricing for scanning is as follows:
4"x5" or Smaller - £10
4"x5" to 8-1/2"x11" - £15
Over 8-1/2"x11" - £25