Cristina Quotes


You are shitty Sportif

You are ugly

You smell/look/eat/are a pig

you have a heart of stone

you are boring

I hate your jokes

You have legs like a sparrow

your kisses are not sensual

you kiss like a child (or mother)

you are less healthy than a grandmother

you are like a troglodite

you are a prehistoric australian

your mum is the only one who think you are beautiful

you are a square head, you are german

you are a bad english teacher

I vomit on it, hit you over the head with it, and if any vomit on my knee, I clean my knee on your balls. (when I suggested buying a naked woman statue for the house as a birthday present for her)

you fart like a cow

you are toxic for the planet

I dont like you

your face like a fridge - doesnt express any feelings (re facial expressions during orgasms)

usually when a woman is touching a man, he don't thinking of doors

sex is the 30th most important thing in your life. Before that is chocolate and scratch your nose looking for snot

you are a bad fucker

I need a man, sweet and sophisticate. Someone totally different to you

Go to another place, because you annoy me

Im sorry but I dont like to see you eat crepes. I'm not posh, but I never see anyone eat crepes like you.

You have farts in your bottom and I have sparkles in my eyes.