Cristina Quotes

This photo was taken around the time of these quotes
Yes, the photo is not one of our best poses (2002).

Cristina Speaking

Cristina, a firey Spanish Girl I went out with for 4 years. I met her in Australia while we were both on holidays in Qld. She lived in Spain. The relationship had many highs and lows. There was not much in between really. It was pretty full on.

She could only speak a very basic English. The quotes below are word for word as she spoke them, to help have a feel of her speaking them. We argued from day one and it rarely let up. These quotes I gathered, in order, over about 3 weeks about 2 years into the relationship, whilst in Spain. I decided to start writing them down as I began to realise what she is saying is a little humerous. Surely one person couldn't be saying all this to me!... I think it riled her sometimes as she would serve me up a torrent of insults as I would run off for the note pad to write them down!

You are shitty Sportif. (you are not an active sportsman)

You are ugly

You smell like a pig
You look like a pig
You eat like a pig
You are a pig

you have a heart of stone

you are boring

I hate your jokes

You have legs like a sparrow

your kisses are not sensual

you kiss like a child (or mother)

you are less healthy than a grandmother

you are like a troglodite

you are a prehistoric australian

your mum is the only one who think you are beautiful

you are a square head, you are german

you are a bad english teacher

When I suggested buying a naked woman statue for her house as a birthday present for her:
I vomit on it, I hit you over the head with it, and if any vomit on my knee, I clean my knee on your balls.

you fart like a cow

you are toxic for the planet (farts)

I don't like you

your face like a fridge - doesnt express any feelings (re facial expressions during sex)

usually when a woman is touching a man, he don't thinking of doors

sex is the 30th most important thing in your life. Before that is chocolate and scratch your nose looking for snot

you are a bad fucker

I need a man, sweet and sophisticate... Someone totally different to you

Go to another place, because you annoy me

I'm sorry but I dont like to see you eat crepes. I'm not posh, but I never see anyone eat crepes like you.

You have farts in your bottom and I have sparkles in my eyes.