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Web Design
Domain Names
Web Hosting
Site Maintenance
Database Driven Website
Content Management System
Online Banner Ads
Internet Marketing
Search Engine
Photo Manipulation
Software Development
Photo Album
Contact Us
Terms and Conditions


Enhanced Developments is a professional web design company, here to help you create a web presence, add great new features or maintain your existing site. We offer a wide range of bespoke Internet solutions to cater for your specific needs, with jargon free advice. Our aim is simple: to turn your vision into reality, by designing well-structured websites that work.

Innovative Web design, secure web / e-mail hosting, domain name registration, and the creation of bespoke database / e-commerce solutions, photo manipulation and photography to name but a few of our services, can provide everything you need to realise your dreams.

We provide a one-stop-shop for all your Internet services, tailoring our work to fit your needs and budget.

Enhanced Developments current programming skill sets include:
  • Perl 5 OOP (CGI,DBI,SQL), Internet/Intranet applications, Unix, Java, JSP, Oracle, Relational Databases, DreamWeaver, HTML, XML, JavaScript, DHTML, MySQL, Flash, WML, Style Sheets, SSIs

Web Design

Developing a web site takes a lot of time and dedication. To get the process flowing as smoothly and quickly as possible we follow several steps. These take us through initial planning, to marketing and maintaining a site. This allows maximum communication between our staff and our clients. Here's how the process flows:

1. We sit down with you, or if you are not within driving distance we speak on the phone with you, for an initial consultation to share ideas and learn what are your goals for your website.

2. Working with you we will determine specific solutions to meet your site goals.

3. We then develop a mock-up of a site to help you visualize your ideas and focus of the site. Our top priority during design is to create a site that is easily navigatable, aesthetically pleasing and downloads FAST!

4. We build the site. We do all the coding and design, allowing you access throughout the process to see the development as it progresses. Near completion, we test the site to make sure it is 100% functional. On your end you proof read your text.

5. The site is uploaded to your domain and the search engine submissions begin!

At Enhanced Developments the emphasis is on making sure that at the end of the day our customers know we gave 110% to the project. We offer complete client satisfaction. From beginning to end we ensure that your field of dreams gets built the way you envisioned.


Buy yourself an Enhanced Developments Starter site for only £200, listed below are all the features of the starter site. To receive a more detailed quote on a bespoke website please click the quote button below.

Starter site
Web hosting
Domain Name
Feedback form (up to 6 fields)
E-mail address
Hit counter
Meta tagging
Basic search engine submission
Bespoke solutions
To receive a more detailed quote on a bespoke website please click here and fill in all the fields on the form.

Domain Names

Computers on the internet have an identity number that is unique to them. These are usually long and hard to remember. The internet allows a user-friendly name to be substituted instead of the number. This is called a domain name.

WHY? If you have a business, your customers will look for you using your trading name.

WHY? By registering your name, customers will be able to find you and buy your products and services.

Enter the domain name below that you wish to search for.

Search for a domain name:

Web Hosting

Every web site needs a place to host. Some businesses build their own servers and host the site themselves. Most find a web hosting company and pay a reasonable monthly fee to not have the constant worry about servers, phone lines, and technical issues that arise. One advantage is not having to invest in upgrades in the future - software & hardware.

All our hosting packages include all the essentials for hosting an efficient, creative and ultimately profitable website. We also include many additional features that other hosts charge extra for, and you can choose to enable e-commerce using Miva Merchant.


Fast UK web space
Data Transfers per month
POP3 E-mail boxes
E-mail Forwarding
MySQL Database
Use of Secure Server
FTP Access
Shopping Cart Solution
On-line & live Support
£7 Per Month
£15 Per Month
£40 Per Month

Many other packages and features are available


E-mail Service
5 email POP3 accounts
Unlimited mail forwarding
Unlimited aliases
Unlimited Autoresponders
Web-Based Email Account Reader

Pre-installed Scripts
Message Board
Form Mail

World Class Network
Powerful Unix/Linux Servers
OC-12 Network
Multiple DS3 Connections
   on diverse backbones
Apache Webserver
Cisco Switches and Routers
UPS power backup
Diesel Backup Generator
Daily and weekly backups
24/7 Network Monitoring
99.9% uptime
More Network Info
Network Status


We can provide you with a tailored e-commerce package including displaying product images and on-line payment facilities/ credit checking. An off the shelf e-commerce package (Miva Merchant) is also available with the 'Commerce' Web Hosting plan we have available.

Site Maintenance

Let us look after the day to day maintenance of your website so you can concentrate on other activities.

Database Driven Website

Besides using the internet as an advertising/brochure tool, it is also very powerful in its ability to retrieve data out of databases. Whether it be account balances, order status, or simply finding information from a search engine like Yahoo — they all require data to be stored in databases. We have experience in building databases for both NT and Linux (Unix) servers.

A full range of services to put your existing data sources online. Can include conversion of existing data sources to more compatible web formats. This service could be an extension of an existing site or an addition to the Website Design offering.


FormMail is a WWW form to e-mail gateway, which will parse the results of any form and send them to the e-mail address specified. We use this on our Contact Us page

Content Management System

A custom designed solution for your data driven website. Allows all content and features to be managed through a secure web based administration area. We have created such systems for the BBC to easily administer rapidly changing information for BBC online.

Online Banners

Full service banner concepting and production. Price varies based on banner size, complexity and technologies used.

Internet Marketing

We will discuss with you marketing options that best suit you.This would involve submissions to search engines as a starting point.


We can setup a guestbook which allows visitors to your site to leave their name, e-mail address and comments about your site, providing useful feedback. Click here to view my guestbook.

Search Engine

Would you like to add a Search Engine to your site? A Search Engine is an excellent way for users to quickly locate a page which is of interest to them. A search engine is recommended for sites with ten or more page if some of these pages have quite alot of text. Click here to view a search engine we installed.


We can create a Flash/Shockwave feature for your website to provide that added impact. For some examples see our intro and fun projects: Star Trek 1 and Star Trek 2. These utilise streaming audio and graphics and XML


Multimedia video to your specifications. Can include live video footage (supplied by client), and animation. Price varies based on length, technologies and complexity.


We have an Epson 1680 Pro Scanner and Transparency Unit. This scanner quickly produces excellent images for use on the internet or in print. It is a very high quality commercial scanner. Here are some of the specs...

Optical Resolution: 1600x3200 dpi
Maximum Output Resolution: 12800x12800dpi
Scans up to 216x 297mm
48 bits per pixel in colour
16 bits per pixel in black
Dual position focus (eliminates Newton Rings effects)
Optical density: 3.6D
Slides, transparencies, negatives, flat media

Photo Gallery were scanned using this scanner. Almost all from slides, which are far more demanding than from photographs.

Unless you have a volume request, the price for scanning starts at £10 per scan. For that price, your image is scanned at 300 dpi and placed on a disk. Here are some additional services you might be interested in:

Color Correction
Photo Manipulation
Resizing Photograph - Enlarge or Reduce
Convert to JPEG, 72 dpi (Internet)
Change to Black & White
Pricing for scanning is as follows:

4"x5" or Smaller - £10
4"x5" to 8-1/2"x11" - £15
Over 8-1/2"x11" - £25

Photo Manipulation/Optimisation

Have you ever taken a picture and you get the prints back only to find that the perfect picture has just one thing wrong with it? Well, with Photoshop, we can manipulate photographs in order to fix flaws and make modifications.

In this example, we took out the red elbow (bottom left), removed the vertical pole, cropped out some sky and right side, and increased the size:

Photo Before Photo After

There are many things we can do to photographs including:

Fix Blemishes
Touch-up Hair
Change Colors
Remove Background
Move Elements
Color Adjust
Change to B&W
Enable Fast Loading


Setup a webcam at home or the office to monitor it while you are away. Webcams can be setup to allow you to move it left/right etc remotely as required. You can even be notified by email automatically if something moves in the picture (motion detection)!

WebCam example on our site


Please contact us for an estimate. Our prices are very competitive.


Program Name


Details Notes
BBC Online: Factsheets Perl DBI Oracle CGI Help
Live Link
Content Management System (CMS) I fully created.
BBC: Snippet Maker Perl OOP DBI Oracle CGI


Content Management System (CMS) I fully created.
Ford: tess_status.pl Perl


Ford : Variant Builder Perl,CGI,JavaScript,HTML


Complete application I created and sold to the Ford Motor Company.
Ford: get.pl Perl


Volbroker: Chat Java,JSP,HTML,Oracle Notes: 1 2 3 Created a chat client (typing communications)
Flash Examples
Enhanced Developments Splash Screen   Enhanced Developments Intro
A quick and easy intro. 
STTOS Bridge   Star Trek Bridge - Interactive Simulation
Flash, Actionscript, XML, Multimedia
Highly interactive with streaming audio and images. Game like experience. Complex actionscript coding. Graphic design is simplistic, being in the spirit of the show.
Note: uses sounds. Allow time to load...
STTOS Opening Credits   Star Trek Opening Credits
Note: uses sounds.
BBC Home Page   BBC Online: Home Page
HTML, CSS, Perl...
Created sections of the actual home page (specifically, templates for article text snippets plus associated photos). Plus created the CMS to update the content on this page.
BBC What's On   BBC Online: What's On
HTML, CSS, Perl...
Created large sections of this site (specifically, templates for article text snippets plus associated photos).
Enhanced Developments Ltd   Enhanced Developments Website
HTML, Javascript, Perl, Apache
Created (this) site entirely. I created this in the UK in 2000. It was only intended to give the impression an online business existed. No enquiries or business was ever generated from it! It was created VERY quickly: one template file is then processed by a 20 line script to create all the individual pages! Simple! Easy to maintain!
STTOS Home Page   Star Trek (Original Series) Site
HTML, Flash, Perl, Apache, Javascript, Audio, Video...
Created site entirely (personal fun project).
This is the most technically advanced and latest site I have developed. Graphic design is simplistic, being in the spirit of the show. Heavily dependent on a CMS I created, for maintainability. Note: uses sounds. Allow time to load...
Photo Album   Photo Album
HTML, JavaScript, Perl
Created (mini) site entirely (personal fun project).
* Permission has been obtained to show all documents here.
* This is a small selection of work done, as much work has been internally intranet based (eg with Ford & Optus).

Software Development

We can provide other software solutions not necessarily those web based. For companies such as the Ford Motor Company and the BBC we have provided solutions using Perl and Java.


Let us undertake your photographic requirements for your website or for any other need. We use medium format photographic equipment for the highest quality results. Our equipment includes Mamiya RZ 67 Pro II (see photo) which is the commercial photographers' camera of choice. This camera and lenses alone were over £7000 to purchase. We use high quality photographic studios should studio work be required.


If you are female, between 18 and 30 years old, live somewhere in or around Sydney and like to be my model for fashion, beauty, artistic, figure, party, concert or simply fun pictures, please let me know.

This is how I work: First we meet somewhere in a cafe to discuss a photo shooting and you can show me your photobook/portfolio or any pictures in magazines you like.

Depending on our plans we do a shooting on location or in a studio.
After a photo shooting you get a CD with digital copies of the full photo session and the best photos as prints for your portfolio.

Some shots I've recently taken can be viewed in the Photo Album.

Feel free to ask any questions you have:

Contact: Who am I?
(Sydney Australia)

Contact Us

Service Enquiries
Email Address:
Inquiry Type:

UK Company Registered No. 3606897


England Contact Details:

Location   E-mail  




Australia Contact Details:

Location   E-mail  

Sydney, NSW,



Terms and Conditions